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Web Browsers

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The goal here is to firstly install the 'best' browser for the purpose of coding, and then to learn how best to use it. So let's break this down into the tasks that I have ahead of me:
1. Identify the 'best' web browser.
  This entails understanding how I will use the browser and getting some help from the internet to figure out which browser is best suited.
2. Install the browser.
  This just involves a simple google search and following the instructions.
3. Learn how to use the browser.
  For the most part this should be really obvious. However, I would like to also learn a few shortcuts that can help me step up my usage of the browser. Most importantly, for the purpose of web development I would like to learn how to use some of the 'developer tools' that come built in with the browser. This should help speed up activities like debugging and testing of the websites and other apps that I build.

Selecting a Browser

My requirements are fairly simple. I expect to be using a web browser to:
1. Browse the internet for answers to questions when I'm stuck.
2. Test out my website/app and debug it as fast as possible.
Of course there's going to be a whole lot of general browsing that I will be doing. In this context however, I am trying to pick out a browser specifically for the purpose of software development. Thus, the parameters that I select on the basis of are not ease of use and user facing features, but rather development features.

As usual I am far from an expert on the topic, so I have checked with the internet what I should do.
- techradar's best browser list says that firefox and edge are the best browsers that one can use.
- PCMag's best browser list says that chrome is the best browser in the market.
- web designer depot says that firefox LT Browser and firefox (developer edition) are the best browsers for developers to use.
- youteam.io says that firefox (developer edition) is the best browser for developers to use.

The above lists have been compiled by experts. And I'm sure that they have a more useful point of view than my own. For me the final deciding factor is the market share. My reasoning is that if I am going to test on only one browser (which I will for my own ease), it should be the browser that has maximum market share (70%) . Moreover chrome seems to have fairly good developer tools (according to the above lists) as well.

Installing Google Chrome

If at all you need help installing google chrome:
1. Search on google for "install google chrome".
2. Go to the link chrome installation link .
3. Follow the instructions on the site.
4. Launch google chrome, and sign in.
5. In the dock, right click on google chrome, and keep it in dock. You may want to now remove safari from the dock, to clear clutter.

Google Chrome Shortcuts, Tips & Tricks

A great starting point for chrome shortcuts is google's support page for the same:
1. New window: ⌘ + n
2. New incognito window: ⌘ + Shift + n
3. New tab: ⌘ + t
4. Reopen previously closed tab: ⌘ + Shift + t
5. Next tab: ⌘ + Option + Right arrow OR control + tab
6. Previous tab: ⌘ + Option + Left arrow
7. Jump to specific tab: ⌘ + 1 to ⌘ + 8
8. Jump to last tab: ⌘ + 9
9. Back in current tab's browsing history: ⌘ + [ OR two finger swipe right
10. Forward in current tab's browsing history: ⌘ + ] OR two finger swipe left
11. Close tab: ⌘ + w
12. Close window: ⌘ + Shift + w
13. Quit chrome: ⌘ + q
https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-chrome-shortcuts/311535/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ky2qWDSflo

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